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三年级英语作文: miss_750字

2021-06-26 来源:网络转载

  Li Ming is one of my classmates. He has been living in Shanghai for fifteen years.

    Li Ming's grandfather is a merchant and he has been living in Taiwan since liberation of Shanghai. They haven't heard from him for fifty years.

    This October a letter from his grandfather came to them. They learnt from the letter that Li Ming's grandfather is still alive now. And he would be back to Shanghai on December 24th. At the moment that they received the letter, Li Ming's father could not help crying. How time flies! Half a century has passed since Li Ming's grandfather left the mainland. Li Ming's family were so excited that they could not sleep well for several days. Neither could Li Ming.

    The exciting day finally came. On December 24th, they were on their way to the Shanghai airport. Half an hour later, they met the old man whom they miss all the time.





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