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Water-splashing Festival_1200字

2020-05-25 来源:网络资源

  Water-splashing Festival is one of the most important festivals in the world, which is popular among Dai people of China and the southeast Asia. It has been celebrated by people for more than 700 years and now this festival is an necessary way for people to promote the cooperation and communication among countries.


  Water-splashing Festival is celebrated during April. It always lasts for three to seven days. People will pour the clean water to each other, which means to wash away the unhappiness and the bad luck during the last year, so the good things will be around. The more water people get, the more luck they will get in the coming year. So though people scream, they feel the great joy.


  This festival is popular in Thailand and Dai people of China, who share the same meaning of this big day. The common festival promotes the communication between countries. The State Council has preserved this festival as the intangible cultural heritage, which attache the importance to the variety of traditional culture.






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