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高一英语作文:Thrift Is a Virtue_900字

2020-05-25 来源:网络资源

  For the old generation, they believe that thrift is a virtue and have been educating their offspring to keep these words all the time. Indeed, thrift can help people not to waste the resources and let more people have the chance to share it. But sometimes over thrift is not favored by the young generation. Take my parents for example. They have gone through the hard time, so they save every cent they can. When we go shopping, my mother always hesitates to buy more food, because she wants to taste different flavor, but she is very struggling to pay the bill. In my opinion, money is used to improve people's life, besides the basic needs, we also need to find amusement. The old generation only chases the former while ignore the latter. Money deserves to be spent on finding amusement.






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