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高一英语作文:The Letter_900字

2020-05-25 来源:网络资源

  Nowadays, with the development of Internet, people don't write letters often, especially for the young people. They like to text message or type in the computer. But last week, I got a letter from a foreign friend, whom I met one year ago. When I received the letter, I was so excited, because my foreign friend didn't forget me. Then I found the date was half a year ago. There must be something delayed during its journey, so I sent an email to my friend. Luckily, she returned, and we contacted with each other again. Now we communicate a lot and share about the different culture. I cherish our friendship so much. It is not easy for us to contact with each other, because I forgot to write down her information last year. It is good to be remembered by someone.






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