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初二英语作文:My Hometown_900字

2019-08-12 来源:网络资源

  Shanghai is my hometown. I was born and raised in Shanghai. Its changes I see in my eyes and remember in my heart. I remember when I was only three or four years old, I learned the Oriental Pearl TV Tower for the first time from the literacy card. I knew it was the tallest tower in Asia at that time and the world third. I always thought it was the tallest building in Shanghai. But gradually I realized that the tallest building in Shanghai had been replaced by the Jinmao Tower in the Eastern Pearl Tower as early as 1999, and 2008 in the year. The Shanghai World Financial Center has once again set a record for the tallest building in Shanghai. How fast Shanghai has changed! In any prosperous area of Shanghai, you will be surprised to find many changes as long as you go there again at intervals: either the roads have been widened or many newly decorated stores have been added.

  As I grow up day by day, I feel that Shanghai is also accompanying me with changes day by day. I am like a saplings, one day will grow into tall and tall green trees, I think, Shanghai, will also become more beautiful, more brilliant and dazzling!





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