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作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 三年级英语作文 > 三年级英语作文:快乐的节日_700字


2019-08-10 来源:网络资源

  Dear John Brown,

  How’s it going? I’m Zhang Hua. I’m a student in No.1 middle school. I have been studying English for 4 years. And I can talk to a native speaker in English.

  In the school, I always talk to my classmates in English. You know it’s good for my English speaking. Of course, I try to listen to the teacher carefully. After school, I often read some English magazines newspapers. Sometimes I learn some English songs. It can improve my English grades.

  Except this way ,I hope I can try another way to improve my English. So I want to take part in the summer camp. So I want to ask you some questions. Could you tell me when the summer camp will start where the summer camp hold? Then I want to know how money I should pay for the summer camp? At last ,could you tell me some requirements?

  Good luck to you.


  Zhang Hua





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