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作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 一年级英语作文 > 一年级英语作文:好吃的香蕉_1200字


2019-07-21 来源:网络资源

  Elementary school of exposed to the sun 2 years of 6 class grandson bud.

  Mom takes me to bought a lot of fruit, have the grape that resembles pearl, bashful apple, still Lie opens it the pomegranate that big mouth breaths out Ha Xiao, among them I like banana most.

  I eat banana for the first time is to be in nursery school. We are in when having breakfast, the teacher takes a dish of yellow thing to us, we say curiously: “This is what thing, can you eat? “ the teacher says: “This is the most delicate banana. “ the teacher sends each to us, I was taking banana to look a long time, then, I am mixed with desk communication, say: “What does this banana resemble, do you know? “ with desk say: “Resemble the boat that floats on water, the sky hangs the moon of the move in the evening. “ I say: “Come over it to resemble brow, coming over it to resemble riant mouth. Coming over it to resemble riant mouth.

  I ate a banana, it but really sweet, the candy that takes everyday like me is same. Passed a few minutes, I eat banana, I lose banana skin on the ground, a child says: “I should go up toilet. “ then, he runs out, did not see the banana skin on the ground, slipped at a draught.

  I see his trip, I burst out laughing, say: “You are too stupid also. “ the teacher walks over to help him up, look, so banana skin lets his trip. The teacher collected banana skin rise, at this moment I think: I must honest. I run over rapidly, lose the banana skin in teacher hand in rubbish canister, go say in front of the teacher: “I lose banana skin on the ground. “ the teacher is laughing to say: “You are very honest.”

  At this moment I just know, banana is very sweet, very delicious, but we cannot drop about banana skin.


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