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Cooperation can survive_1200字

2018-06-27 来源:作文网整理

     A Christian who used to do good deeds saw god and asked god what the difference between heaven and hell. So god asked the angel to take him to heaven and hell. In heaven, he saw a big table, on the table there are a lot of delicious food, eating people take a very long spoon, these lovely people to feed others, they eat very happy. That's the way heaven is! The christians were very disappointed. Then the angel took him to hell, and it was still a table of food in front of him, and he was very puzzled: how could heaven be like hell? The angel saw his doubt and let him watch it patiently. When it was time for dinner, a group of skinny people came to the table with a long spoon in their hands. But because the spoon was too long, everyone couldn't get the meal out of their mouth, and the people were so hungry that they shouted. We live in an age of competition, and it's becoming harder and harder to survive, and that's why we need to work with others. The better you work together, the longer you live, the more effective it is for everything. The power of a person is always limited. Only when you cooperate can you accomplish a complicated thing more efficiently. No one can succeed in the long run without cooperating with others. We should know the importance of cooperation and make up for our shortcomings through cooperation so that we can achieve our goals and achieve our goals.


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