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作文 > 英语作文 > 考试英语作文 > 高考英语作文 > 2017年高考全国2卷英语作文范文及赏析三


2018-06-06 来源:作文网整理

  Dear Henry,
  Our school will hold a paper-cutting exhibition. It's a great honor for me to invite you as a special guest. Paper-cutting is an indispensable style of art. Therefore, I hold the opinion that this show is of extreme significance.
  Main points are as follows. To begin with, it will start at 9:00 on 15th Jun and last for one week in our auditorium. Besides, a wide range of activities will be held, including the competitions between different classes, which will be the highlight of this show. Last but not least, taking advantage of this golden opportunity, we can not only enhance our understanding of Chinese indigenous culture, but also enrich our cultural life.
  All in all, I'm longing to see you soon.
  1. 覆盖了全部要点,行文流畅
  2. 结构清晰,使用了较多复杂的语法结构和高级词汇


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