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Hug in Spring_550字

2016-04-07 来源:作文网原创


  Spring has came.It's a wonderful season.And it's also an amazing season. Let's follow me,hug in spring.

  I love spring.In this season,everything comes back to life.The grass turns green and the flowers come true.In my house,there are full of flower,singing and good smell.I feel happy and active.

  If you are carefully,you may find that lots people play on the grass.Their clothes are thiner than those in winter.They talk and smile at each other. Their moods just like sunshine,so beautiful.


  This season fill with hope.Let's grow a dream and study or work hard for it! 


Spring has come. It's a wonderful and amazing season. 

I love spring. In spring, everything comes back to life. The grass turns green and the flowers begin to bloom. There are some flowers in my house which are beautiful and fragrant. Every time I see them, I feel happy and active.

In spring, people like playing outside, especially enjoy playing on the grass. Because of the warm weather, people wear less than in winter. They often talk and play with each other. They enloy themselves.

Spring is  a season which is filled with hope. So, let's work hard to make our dream come true!

修改老师:Crystal 老师 


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