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Hug in Spring_800字

2016-03-30 来源:作文网原创

  Spring is coming silently.    The sun smiles so happily that I feel life is wonderful.The breeze touches my face gently.It's so beautiful that birds can't help singing songs.It make me fascinated and refreshed to see the world is turning green.This is the warmest welcome by nature.    Look!The fish in the lake seems more active,dancing everywhere.Maybe,they won't be afraid of cold in winter.    Smell and listen!"What smells so fragrant?“You will ask.Oh,they are flowers which are extending their bodies.How pretty and exciting!Can you imagine picking the ripe and heavy peaches and pears several months away?And who are busy amony the pink and white flowers now?The bees and butterflies,which are singing and dancing like spirits!They are guiding you towards spring.    Feel!Please close you eyes and feel!Hug in spring!

Spring is coming silently.   The sun shines so brightly that I feel the life is so wonderful. The breeze blows gently over my face. It's such beautiful spring that birds can't help singing songs. I am excited about watching the world turning green. This is the warmest welcome by nature.  Look! The fish in the lake are dancing everywhere happily. Take a deep breath, I can smell the fragrance of the flowers and the fresh air in spring. How pretty and exciting! Listen, who are flying among the pink and white flowers now? The bees and butterflies, which are singing and dancing like fairies! Close your eyes and feel the spring!



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