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作文 > 热点话题 > 关于元旦的英语作文 > 元旦卫生大战(带翻译)


2015-12-30 来源:作文网整合

  New Year's Day I did a great thing --clean up the room Sounds easy, does not that clean up the room? This is not easy? In fact, is not easy, I divided the two levels, one is a table, a bookshelf. My desktop can, because the I pack three times, while the bottom drawer and it is not a kind! So I decided to take tidy. I would like to get the books piled on the table, finishing well after five found this I feel very good book, and then are left corner right corner of the table, left right and center. Ah, desktop finally packed. It is Zhuodi. I put all the things launch, then useless stuff and paper picked up two bags, the last thing the place where to put where. The first drawer is magic left in the bag, and what things are, but they are more piecemeal stuff, I pack the same process as above. Table packed the turn of the shelves, and I feel a little bookshelf in the corner there, inconspicuous, so I exhausted body strength, the shelves onto the table, then put down the shelf, the book Dounong down, the The next night, already get almost the same, but on the ground there are many, so my father and I began to pack on the ground ...... Finally, I cool the ground, looking at this scene I am very happy.



  其实非常不容易,我分了两个层次,一个是桌子,一个是书架。   我的桌面还可以,因为被我收拾了三遍,而抽屉和底层实在是不成样了!所以我下决心好好收拾一下。








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