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If I will be a teacher_750字

2015-04-16 来源:作文网原创

  Do you think about you want to be what?If not,let us begin to do that for a while.I think it is important.If I will be a teacher,I won‘t let my students just be a know-nothing school pupil.I can get on well with my students and their parents.Because I will always talk with them about kids‘ study.Will I teach my students to learn to how to get good grades.I must teach them that!I can play basketball with my class students.We can play together.Although it is not enough to be a good teacher,I will tell them my life experience that let them know the biggest trouble is ourselves.We must win ourselves.After that we are the life winner and we are the best in our heart.We should paly apart in letting them improve students’study.


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