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作文 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文 > 初一年级英语作文 > The trust in my heart_1000字

The trust in my heart_1000字

2015-03-17 来源:作文网原创

  When I was a girl,I was very bad.I often drew pictures on the English book and laughed loudly with my classmates.I never listened to my English teacher carefully.Of course,my English was very bad.

  When I was in Grade 5,my mother sent me to an English school.My English was still very bad there and I didn't stand up when the teacher let us stand up and dance.But to my surprise,that English teacher called Angela didn't hate me and she still gave me another chance.One day,Angela found me and said:"Janice,you are very good,I trust that you can study English very well and you can be a good ***e on,my clever Janice,study English carefully from now on.Can you do it"Angela looked at me and I looked her>She looked like mysister who smiled at me.

  I was moved by Angela.I said to her:"Yes,of course.I promise to study English well forever."

  From that day on,I study English carefully and my English started improving.Now,my English is very well.

  "Why do you study English well?"my classmates often ask me.My answer is:Angela.Yes,Angela's trust made me study English well.Thank you,Angela.


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