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作文 > 英语作文 > 考试英语作文 > 高考英语作文 > 2013高考英语作文预测(一):网上交友


2013-06-08 来源:作文网整理


  假设你是李华,在互联网上看到英国高中生David登的一则启事 :希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言、文化。请你以李华的名义用英文给David发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:






  Dear David,

  I've learned__________________________________________________________


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua




  Dear David,

  I've learned it from the Internet that you want to make a Chinese friend so as to learn the Chinese language and culture. I'm glad that you show such great interest in China and I would like to be your friend.

  I will try my best to write to you as often as possible to introduce you the Chinese culture. When you have an opportunity to come to China, I'll teach you how to speak Chinese and show you around some famous historical places of interest. Anyway, I am going to help you as much as I can. How do you think?

  I'm looking forward to your reply .



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