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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语日记 > 初中英语日记:日记_550字


2012-12-12 来源:作文网整合

  Today is very hot, but in order to imfrove my English and learn how to be independent, I attend an english camp and came to the beautiful Zhejiang University and Miss Guo leads us.

  Mr. Chen, our headteacher, a cool and kind boy. He told much about this large university and took us to class and bedroom without any complains. We all like him very much.

  In the afternoon, we had the first english class. Mis Zhen is our English teacher. Through this class I learned a lot. In the bedroo, I got on well with my new friends, who are all thirsty of knowledge.

  Although I’m a lazy boy, I think I will be happy here, and I believe I will learn English better. Where there is will, there is a way.

  Tomorrow will be better


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