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中考英语作文范文 A New JacketA New Jacket

2009-07-05 来源:网络资源

  A New JacketA New Jacket

  Today, I am wearing a new jacket. I feel warm when I am wearing it. It’s made in Shanghai but there is a flag of England on it.

  This morning, my English teacher saw me. She said to me with a smile. “Oh, Jane, Do you know which country that flag stands for?” “England.” I answered. “Oh, if you were an adult, you might get into trouble. We’re Chinese. If we wear clothes with the flag of our own country, we’ll feel proud. Anyway, you’re too young, you can’t understand all this.”

  At this, I didn’t feel ease. It seemed that I have learned a lot. We Chinese must love our country wherever and whenever we are and must remember we are Chinese. We must pay attention to what we say and what we do.



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