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中考英语作文范文 童年“傻”事(一)

2009-07-04 来源:网络资源


I did many "foolish" things in my childhood. This is one of them.When I was eight years old, my uncle came to see my parents with some beef one day. The appealing smell of the beef made my mouth watering.But uncle told me that little kids shouldn't eat beef. If they ate, they would soon become real cows! I was so scared that I dared not eat it at the dinner.But it really attracted me. So after he left, I put a little piece into my mouth. After that, I began to reGREt. I just waited to be changed into a cow. Mom came and asked me what had happened. I told her all about that. She laughed and said that uncle just joked with me. It's not true!Since then, I made up my mind not to be so credulous. I should believe in myself.


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