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作文 > 热点话题 > 关于六一儿童节的作文 > 六一儿童节英语作文:六一儿童节英语诗歌欣赏(5)_900字


2009-05-31 来源:网络资源


  I am glad I was your teacher

  Though you troubled me through and through

  You split the chalk and broke the glass

  And I made you kneel down too

  But now that the year is almost gone

  And the holidays are near

  I am surprised most of all coz

  I can‘t believe the end is here

  Next term you will be older

  Whether wiser- I am not sure

  Some other class teacher will face it all

  How well – I do not know.

  I remember all the fun we had

  I am sure you remember too

  All the pranks and the spanks

  But we managed to get through

  I can’t believe the end is here

  You will all be sorely missed

  And I hate to see you go

  ‘Coz you’ll are very special kids.

  Children of an Unfair God

  Mama, please don‘t hurt me anymore

  I am only little, just about four

  Don’t wake me up from my deep sleep

  Don‘t take me to work; why can’t it keep?

  Can‘t you send me to school?

  Like the neighbourhood kids

  Can’t I learn to read and browse through books?

  ‘No you can’t‘, says the mother

  Dragging her child away

  You must go to work

  To keep hunger at bay

  Five children have we to keep and to feed

  How can you think about so much sleep?


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