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中考英语作文范文——通电话 A Phone Call

2009-05-20 来源:网络资源

通电话 A Phone Call

  I was tired with preparing for the Joint College Entrance Examination the other evening. And having been alone for several hours,I was eager to have someone to chat with me about anything but examinations. So I telephoned my best friend Mary,who was also busy preparing for the joint entrance examination.

  On the telephone,I told her that I missed her very much. And I invited her to have a cup of coffee with me in a coffeehouse near her home. But to my surprise,she declined and said that she had to devote all her time to her studies. Hearing this,I could do nothing but hang up after saying “Sorry” to her. Disappointed and discouraged,I turned back to my desk and reluctantly buried myself again in my books.



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