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2009-05-12 来源:网络资源



Attention, please!

  This is your monitor, Chen Tao. I have something to tell you. This Friday, April 21st, we shall go to Stone Field Country Park for this year‘s spring trip. The park is in the south of Guangzhou. It’s a very beautiful place. We can see many kinks of plants there. We can also have sports games for fun and BBQ meals in the park. But remember that fire can only be allowed in the barbecue places.


  假设今天是2009年3月12日,星期天,天晴。请根据下面通知内容,用英语写一篇80个词左右的日记。参考词汇:ride, arrive, dig a hole, put , carry water, leave, tired


All the teachers and students are supposed to meet outside the school gate at 8 o‘clock tomorrow morning in old clothes to plant trees on West Hill.

                           The School Hill

  March 11, 2009

March 12, 2009, Sunday                                                        Fine

  Today is fine. All our teachers and we students went to plant trees. At 8 in the morning we met outside the school gate. Then we rode our bikes to West Hill. About half past eight, we arrived there. As soon as we got there, some of us dug holes, some put the young trees in the holes, and others carried water and watered the trees. We all worked hard. About 11:30, we left there. Though we were very tired, we felt very happy.



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