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中国人的春节3 Chinese Spring Festival3

2009-05-12 来源:网络资源

  Usually stay up late and set off fireworks on New Year‘s Eve. By the first day of first lunar month, people are wearing festival dresses and begin to visit or welcome family, friends and loved ones. They greet each other “Happy New Year” and “Happy Spring Festival” and invite guests to drink tea and chat at their home.


  There are a plethora (过量)of activities during the Spring Festival including opera and movie performances lion dances and temple fairs. There are also people who prefer to stay at home and watch television. Pasting New Year scrolls and watching festive lanterns are also the traditional movements for the Spring Festival celebration.

  The ways of Spring Festival celebration are changing along with the standard of living. For instance, traveling has becoming a new fashion of Spring Festival celebration.


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