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作文 > 英语作文 > 考试英语作文 > 中考英语作文 > 中考英语作文范文:我心中的台湾


2009-04-02 来源:网络资源


  1:台湾是中国的一部分 2:我所知道的台湾(地理位置、人口或其他资讯)3:台湾与祖国大陆的民间交往(走亲访友、商业往来、兴办工厂等) 4:愿望。

  词语准备: Taiwan Island, Taiwanese, the mainland, many kinds of , beautiful , relative, shop ,factory, lie. Visit, build , run.

   There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan, the biggest island, lies to the southeast of Fujian Province. It has a popolation of 22.000.000.Taiwan produces many kinds of products,especially seafood. It is a very beautiful island. Riyuetan Pool AND Mount Ali are very famous places of interest , Now ,many Taiwanese come to the mainland, they visit their relatives and friends, and some of them build factores and run shops, I love Taiwan very much and I hope I can visit Taiwan some day.


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